NaNoWriMo Will Be Different This Year
It is that time of the year. Again. Tempus fugit can go fuck itself if I'm being absolutely honest.
Inexorable passing of time aside, today I'm setting my goals for NaNoWriMo in the volatile format of the digital world. I mean, some form of accountability is better than nothing.
Critiquing my own short story
So I was perusing the endless pits of YouTube and I stumbled upon several authortube-like videos revolving around the idea of critiquing your past work (in a light-hearted, joke-y way, mind you) and I quite liked the idea.
How Outlining is Saving my Writing
I always say that even though I have not been published (or fully, properly, even finished a book for that matter) I am an expert at attempting to finish a book.
I'll explain what I mean.