Keeping Up— Sunday Thoughts 21/08/2021
Hey everyone, Pablo here!
I will be forever fascinated by time, how quickly it fluctuates from seeming endless to running out inexorably. A week ago I scrambled to write the first newsletter because I knew I would continue to put it off and now, as incredible as it is, Sunday has arrived again. Right after I pressed "send" in my first Sunday Thoughts I was convinced I would find a moment every day to craft the next one, yet I put it off with the pretext of "having plenty of time".
Anyway, upon some swift reflection, I think that says more about my organisational skills than a romantic notion of tempus fugit. On with it.
I was gonna beat around the bush and build up to it, but I can't wait to say that I have finally finished The Eye of the World!
I've already said on Twitter and I'll say it again. Absolutely buzzing.
This beast of a book, the start of a behemoth series, demands a focused, in-depth review so I will not elaborate too much. I will say one thing, though. It was exactly what I needed.
I have already mentioned that I was experiencing something to the effect of trope-subversion burnout. Modern fantasy is doing many right things, and it is indeed not advisable to continuously recycle the same themes and plots. However, I have come to realise how cosy it can be to go back to the originators of those continual recyclings. I was in need of classic epic fantasy and I have found what I was looking for.
Yes, it is very thicccc (that is the right amount of c's), I may accept it perhaps drags a bit at times . All things considered, I am very glad I pushed through with the technique I mentioned last week.
I would like to take a short moment to talk about how incredible the #TwitterofTime community is. I have felt very welcome and everyone is very appreciative of anyone that starts The Wheel of Time. It is quite refreshing for someone with a strong preconceived expectation of gatekeeping like me.
With regards to what's next, I could have jumped straight into The Great Hunt, but I only have the audiobook and I want to combine it with reading the physical copy. Not to worry, I always carry a surplus of books with me and swiftly picked up Sanderson's Starsight. I thought it would be a good, fast-paced pallet-cleanser.
I must admit, writing has slowed down this past week. It has nothing to do with writer's block, simply life has got in the way. I am on a break after all, so I am prioritising family time.
Please refer back to the first segment, to the part where I say "there is plenty of time"...
That is to say, all I have done in the medical realm is to organise things, create calendars, group questions and generally panic about the fact that I haven't studied enough. The usual. We shall draw a very thick curtain over it.
I am loving the process of sitting down and writing the thoughts that whirled about in my head at the end of every week. Just between you and me, I am flabbergasted at the fact that I am keeping up, even though this is only the second week.
I'll see you in the next one!