Dampened Optimism — Sunday Thoughts 07/11/2021
Hey everyone! Pablo here.
Things are not going well.
Wow, but isn't that a tad dramatic. Let me explain.
Disarray — Sunday Thoughts 19/09/2021
Hey everyone! Pablo here.
It’s been a while. My bad.
I know I always joke about it, but I think I am normally very well organised, and though things could run smoother, I tend to find a way to finish stuff regardless.
Melancholy — Sunday Thoughts 12/09/2021
Hey everyone! Pablo here.
For once in my life I display a shred of time-management and I don't find myself rushing the newsletter at 10pm on Sunday.
Keeping Up— Sunday Thoughts 21/08/2021
Hey everyone, Pablo here!
I will be forever fascinated by time, how quickly it fluctuates from seeming endless to running out inexorably. A week ago I scrambled to write the first newsletter because I knew I would continue to put it off and now, as incredible as it is, Sunday has arrived again.
So it begins — Sunday Thoughts 15/08/2021
Hey everyone, Pablo here! I have to say, I find it very strange to write these words rather than saying them in front of the camera, out loud with my phone’s built-in microphone (such is the life of the small YouTuber). I’m settling nicely into that intro though, and it feels right for now.