Summertime Sadness — Sunday Thoughts 28/08/2021


Not really a Lana del Rey fan (I have quite literally only listened to the one song), but the title perfectly describes what I feel every time summer draws to an end.

It is a special kind of sadness, one tinged with nostalgia, the nagging feeling you didn't have enough time to relax as much as you wanted, topped by a weirdly uplifting sort of melancholy.

This time the sensation is even more powerful because I am moving yet again to start fresh in a new town.

My time is limited (poor time management skills, remember?) so we'll just get straight on it.


I have a deep-seated problem with ambitious goals, and consequently never reaching them.

I am too hard on myself, I admit it.

I constantly find myself living in a twisted version of the aim for the moon and you'll land in the stars metaphor. **

Yeah, sure pal. I'll land in the starts well enough. With the overwhelming sensation I didn't do well enough to land on the bloody moon and wrecked by anguish at the lost opportunity of doing so.

Anyway, I carried 6 books with me from England, convinced I would read all of them and have time to spare.

Surprise, surprise: I didn't.


I did start Starsight, the sequel to Sanderson's Skyward (halfway through) and finish the first instalment of the Dresden Files though (listening to audiobooks while going for a run is the ultimate multitasking activity, Elon Musk you can go suck it).

That has to count for something, right?


I won't lie. Finishing this book is... resisting me. By my projections I should have finished it already, and yet here I am. Still two chapters away from the end.

This past week I finished one of the last three chapters, bringing the total up to 39k, which has made me realise the 40k mark will be shortly shattered. Will it technically not be a novella, then?


At a risk of sounding repetitious, there isn't much to talk about on this realm. I have been prioritising my writing during my summer break because the start of 4th year inches ever closer, and I imperiously need to finish the book before the start of the semester. I think the editing process will be less mentally taxing (molding rather than creating must be easier, right?), or at least better to incorporate whilst I am studying.


The official start is on the 3rd, though we have three days-worth of inductive lectures and the like. For now I'm equal parts nervous and excited, with a bit of the good ole anxiety sprinkled on top. Just wait until next Sunday, there will lots more to talk about!

I apologise if this edition of Sunday Thoughts feels rushed, time is pressing. More and better next week. I'll see you then!


Hectic — Sunday Thoughts 05/09/2021


Keeping Up— Sunday Thoughts 21/08/2021