Hectic — Sunday Thoughts 05/09/2021

Hey everyone, Pablo here!

What. A. Week.

It is mind-boggling to think a week ago I was sat in my family house, in the lovely island of Gran Canaria and now I am in my new room, all the way over here in England.

It has been a very emotionally draining week as well.

New year in med school, which means continuous introductions, induction days, PowerPoint presentations and that on top of moving all my stuff to the new house.

Why is it that things are always hectic?


I am three-quarters done with Starsight, the sequel to Sanderson's Skyward. Just like the first book, it is a refreshingly fast-paced Sanderson novel. Very easy to get into with minimalist worldbuilding and vibrant action sequences. Highly recommend if you are feeling tired of high or epic fantasy.

Though so far it hasn't disappointed, I must say it is not attracting my attention as much as the first one. We shall see.



At the start of the weekend I promised myself I would finish the remaining chapters of my novella. I felt it necessary to finish a first draft before the actual start of the semester.

It didn't happen.

With a total of 46558 words, there is one chapter remaining. Just one. The closest I have ever been to finish a WIP of this caliber.

Then the skies split asunder, the heavenly realisation struck me: I only have online classes on Mondays. I am going to go ahead and consider tomorrow as part of the weekend.

Let's be realistic, that still doesn't allow enough time for me to finish that one last chapter, but I want to keep the ball rolling. That shall suffice at this stage.

On a serious note now, I have written a total of 6440 words in two days, so I am chuffed.



I hate induction.

Will I have more time next week to elaborate a bit more and move away from the randomness I spew on Sunday Thoughts? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll see you in the next one.


Melancholy — Sunday Thoughts 12/09/2021


Summertime Sadness — Sunday Thoughts 28/08/2021